Emma Stone and her husband, Dave McCary, welcomed their first child on March 13, 2021. According to TMZ, the Oscar-winning actress gave birth in the Los Angeles area a few weeks ago, and since then, no other details have been shared. As a result, we still aren't sure whether Stone gave birth to a baby girl or a baby boy, or what the name could be, but we're sure that details are to follow.
McCary and Stone met back in 2016 when Stone was hosting Saturday Night Live and McCary, the show's segment director, was directing a taped sketch for the show. After dating for a couple of years, they announced their engagement in December 2019 and reportedly had a secret wedding ceremony the following year. It's still not clear when the ceremony took place, but it's likely to have taken place some time in September 2020. The couple had initially planned for their wedding to take place in March last year, but it had to be postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Congratulations to them both - we can't wait to find out more about their new baby. Watch this space, as we'll share updates as soon as further details are announced.
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