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No Weights? Grab a Backpack and Fire Up This Jess Sims Full-Body Strength Workout

No dumbbells? Not a problem with this quick strength-training workout from Peloton trainer Jess Sims, which swaps in a full backpack for moves usually done with dumbbells or kettlebells. "I can't help myself - once a teacher, always a teacher," Sims wrote on Instagram, and we're not mad about it!

There are just four moves involved in this quick workout: goblet clean, goblet squat, single-arm clean, and single-arm push press. Sims recommends doing three sets of 10 reps for each move to make it a fast, full-body workout. (PS: check out those clean white sneakers, part of her new partnership with Reebok!) Check out the workout above, then fill up your backpack, warm up, and join right in.

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