Gold is absolutely Andra Day's color. Just a few days after wowing in a metallic Aliétte gown for Essence's Black Women in Hollywood Awards, the actress pulled another shimmery stunner out of her collection for the 2021 Oscars.
The The United States vs. Billie Holiday star, who is nominated for best actress, dressed like the trophy she deserves, wearing a gold Vera Wang gown with some seriously sexy cutouts. She styled the asymmetrical number with Tiffany & Co. jewels (more than $2 million worth, might we add!), a shiny clutch, and simple ankle-strap heels. A fun fact about her dress: it's entirely made of metal, so Vera Wang had to team up with a welder to bring her vision to life. How freakin' cool is that?! Read ahead to see every angle of Andra looking like an absolute goddess at the Oscars, and then get the scoop on what other stars wore for the award show.
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