Jordan Alexander went above and beyond with her red carpet outfit for the Gossip Girl premiere. On Wednesday, the actress made a statement wearing a Wiederhoeft bridal ensemble. If you think you've seen the return of low-rise pants, think again. Jordan's look takes the trend to another level. Your eyes are instantly drawn into her detailed face mask, but take a little time to absorb the details, and you'll appreciate the sophistication and sexiness of her corset, suspenders, and trousers.
It seems only appropriate that Jordan brings together high fashion and the trends of the early '00s, since that's when the original Gossip Girl series premiered. Judging from the peeks of the reboot we've seen so far, the show's style will echo the greatness of its originator. Something tells us Blair Waldorf would be proud of the chic fashion risk Jordan took for the premiere - get a glimpse of the outfit from all angles in the photos ahead.
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