Image Source: Getty / Rodin Eckenroth
In our Q&A series POPSUGAR Crush, we get to know some of our favorite celebs' more intimate details - from their first celebrity crush to the best love advice they've ever received. This month, we're crushing on Never Have I Ever star Darren Barnet.
If you've watched Netflix's Never Have I Ever, you've likely found yourself swooning over Darren Barnet, aka Paxton. And don't worry, you're definitely not alone. From that luscious head of hair to his gorgeous smile and let's not forget those abs, there's just so much to admire about him. Sadly for us, Darren already appears to be in a relationship, but if you've ever wondered what it's like to date him, we highly suggest you keep reading.
The second season of Never Have I Ever ends with Paxton and Devi going public with their relationship. Now that they're officially dating, what relationship advice would you give Paxton?
To stop caring what his friends and what the public thinks about the relationship. I know the whole thing about it is that he's never been with a girl that is so low on the social totem pole and his friends certainly are not behind it and I know they've been through their struggles and she played him, but just not care. If it makes you happy, it makes you happy.
I know we're still waiting for a renewal, but if there were to be a season three of Never Have I Ever, what would you like to see next for Devi and Paxton?
I would just love to see how it plays out with them being together as an exclusive couple. That's going to bring on a whole new set of challenges, and I think there's a lot more to explore. There's a lot more for Devi to learn about Paxton, for Paxton to learn about himself, and for Devi to learn about herself. And when that all comes to fruition, who knows? They may fall in love or realize they're better as friends or absolutely hate each other, so you never really know.
Let's settle this once and for all: are you Team Paxton or Team Ben?
I always see this question as an inevitable trap, so I'm going to go with Team Devi.
Who was your first celebrity crush?
My first celebrity crush was Posh Spice (Victoria Beckham).
What is your signature scent or go-to cologne?
I love Yves Saint Laurent and there's another one I love called CJ Black.
What's your go-to coffee/tea order?
Tea would be a green tea with ginger, and coffee would be an oat milk latte with cinnamon powder on the top.
What is the best trip you've ever been on?
I haven't traveled much, to be honest. It's interesting that right before the pandemic was when I got the show, and before that, I was way too broke to do anything. I was too broke to go and get guacamole at Chipotle, so I haven't really traveled much, and then the quarantine hit. But most recently, I did go to New Orleans, and absolutely loved it! I have a trip to Costa Rica coming up, so hopefully that will be one that goes down in the books.
Do you have a favorite pick-up line? If so, what is it?
"Hello." It's all about being natural. The harder you try and break the ice, the more you're going to fall through it.
What is your biggest turnoff/turn-on?
My biggest turnoff is a girl that's always on her phone or always on social media and someone who does something for you just expecting something back, really cannot stand that. That's a pet peeve with all people. Turn-on, I love intense eye contact. That really, really gets me, and I love a girl that doesn't try to sway her opinions on things to try and please me. If you have an opinion, you have an opinion. Fight me on it if you want to.
What would your dating profile say about you?
"Hello, please message for more information."
What is your ideal first date?
Definitely not a movie. How awkward is it to sit next to someone in silence for two hours that you have no idea anything about? I would say something active. I love a hike or a walk through nature. That can be really nice. A walk through nature, and then I'd say a nice lunch on a boardwalk or a beach to end it. You can learn a lot about a person.
What is your first date outfit?
Probably a nice pair of jeans, a very clean pair of Chuck Taylors. I love Chuck Taylors, I just do, and a nice button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing maybe a little bit of chest.
Are you likely to make the first move? If so, what is it?
Oh, God, I don't really know. I was notoriously shy with girls growing up and I still think I might have some of that lingering. I think it's just like, "Hey!" If I see someone I've been catching eyes with, it would be like, "Hey, I noticed we were catching eye contact. I just want to introduce myself. Hi." Otherwise, no, I think I'd probably be a chicken and I'd just wait for them to come over to me.
What is the most romantic thing you've ever done or that's ever been done for you?
Hmm, good Lord, there's just so many. [laughs] Oh my gosh. Oh, oh, this is great, this is great. This is when I was seven years old, but it was wonderful. There was a girl I was very much in love with, or child love, or whatever you call it, and I would pick her a flower every day. I'd walk to school and pick her a flower and give it to her, a small little flower from the grass, right? And then I kept getting very annoyed that they didn't smell good because they were little grass flowers. So I brought her a flower and I was like, "Tomorrow's flower is going to smell so good, just wait." And I went home and got the flower and then I sprayed it with my mom's perfume and I brought it to school for her so I could give her a nice smelling flower. Very proud of that.
What is the best love advice you've received?
You can't ever fully love someone or understand their love for you until you learn to love yourself. I think it's just very dangerous to get into a relationship, and I think a lot of people get into a relationship because they're longing for the feeling of love and acceptance and they think that's going to fill the void. The void is created by you, and it can only be filled by you, and anything that you express your love upon afterward and anyone you're in love with afterward will only reap the benefits of that anyway.
Season two of Never Have I Ever is out on Netflix now.
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