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The December 2021 Solar Eclipse Could Introduce *Major* New Chapters For These 4 Zodiac Signs

Welcome to the home stretch of 2021, kicked off by a very exciting total solar eclipse and new moon on Dec. 4. If the very lovely and not at all maddening November 2021 lunar eclipse and full moon low-key (or high-key) ruined your life, the December 2021 solar eclipse, while a bit chaotic, is unlikely to wreak as much havoc. The solar eclipse takes place at 7:33 a.m. UTC, which is, unfortunately, 2:33 a.m. ET, meaning the solar eclipse will mostly be visible in Antarctica and not at all visible in North America. (Don't be too sad about it; the eclipse will only last about two minutes when it does come.) Despite us not being able to see it, the December 2021 total solar eclipse and new moon are packed with emotional meaning for each zodiac sign to guide you toward closing out 2021 strong and starting 2022 with a fresh perspective. While every zodiac sign will feel the eclipse's and new moon's effects, four zodiac signs will likely feel them the most.

The Dec. 4 total solar eclipse and new moon - the last eclipse of 2021 - will occur in fiery Sagittarius, culminating a loaded eclipse cycle between Gemini and Sagittarius that began in 2020. Generally, Sagittarius is associated with optimistic, adventurous, fun-loving vibes - the overwhelming desire to forge ahead, learn, travel, explore, and hunt for meaning without boundaries. That said, you must be careful not to move blindly, as Sagittarius sometimes has a tendency to do. After another tumultuous year in which you were forced to examine your values under a microscope and marry your lofty ideals with the weight of reality, the solar eclipse and new moon offer the opportunity to reflect on everything you've learned and settle on what really matters to you, so much so that you want to run toward it full throttle come 2022. This eclipse cycle has tested your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual agility, and now, it's up to you to use the energetic spirit of Sagittarius to push you toward an inner breakthrough.

Before you go balls to the wall with new projects or intentions on Dec. 4, however, it's important to grasp the emotional meaning of the solar eclipse and new moon, especially if you're one of four zodiac signs (or rising signs) feeling the weight of the solar eclipse and new moon a little more than the others.

What Do New Moons Mean in Astrology?

In general, the moon is said to govern your emotional self in astrology, heavily influencing your inner thoughts and how you feel. A new moon is the start of a new lunar cycle, and in astrology, new moons are fittingly associated with new beginnings. New moons, occurring alone, are often a period during which astrologers suggest manifesting and setting meaningful intentions of the thoughts, feelings, initiatives, and more that we want to usher into our lives over the weeks and months ahead. That doesn't necessarily mean going out and buying $1,000 worth of supplies for a brand-new side hustle or plotting the ultimate revenge against your trash ex. Rather, it's better to use this time for introspection and planning. What good energy do you want to materialize?

What Do Solar Eclipses Mean in Astrology?

IRL, a solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, briefly blocking the sun's light. In astrology, solar eclipses tend to carry a heightened energy of a new moon, which is absolutely exciting but a little volatile. Think about it this way: an eclipse blocks the illumination of the sun, putting the Earth in a shadow. If you apply that thought process to your emotions, you may not be seeing the full picture. That's why some of the new beginnings or new chapters a solar eclipse may introduce could come completely unexpectedly, which can be jarring and emotionally taxing for anyone. Knowing this, when a solar eclipse and a new moon occur together, it may actually be best to avoid major manifestation rituals or intention setting and, instead, prioritize some self-care and reflection on what you feel the universe is pushing you toward at this time.

Image Source: Unsplash / Justin Dickey

Gemini (May 21-June 20): The Dec. 4 Solar Eclipse and New Moon May Bring About a New Chapter in Your Relationships

Occurring in your seventh house of relationships and partnerships, the December 2021 solar eclipse and new moon could be shaking your relationships up, Gemini. This isn't a bad thing. Rather, you may feel a newfound urge to push ahead confidently in a relationship, finally understanding what you want and how you really feel. During this lunar event, think about what fulfills you the most in your relationships and plan how you can best communicate that to your loved ones.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The Dec. 4 Solar Eclipse and New Moon Might Shift Things Around Close to Home

Virgo, things may get a little personal for you post-solar eclipse and new moon. This lunar event occurs in your fourth house of home and family, and you may find yourself totally re-evaluating your relationship with the home or with your family members. Because this is likely hitting you so deeply, take some time to think about comfort and safety: what makes you feel secure and loved, and how can you move forward in these areas in a way that prioritizes that stability?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The Dec. 4 Solar Eclipse and New Moon Are Preparing You For a Glow-Up

Get ready, Sagittarius. The solar eclipse and new moon are happening in your sign, meaning you're likely experiencing a significant shift related to your sense of self. This long Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse cycle has pushed your identity to its limits in multiple ways, and during this lunar event, you may feel everything coming to a head as you ready yourself to shed the old emotions, thought patterns, and identity tenets that no longer align with the vision you have for yourself. Take this time to reflect on what your most authentic future self looks like.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): The Dec. 4 Solar Eclipse and New Moon Could Signal the Start of Something New Career-Wise

The end of 2021 wouldn't be any fun without a little professional action, now would it, Pisces? The December 2021 solar eclipse and new moon are affecting your professional life and image, and you may find that whatever straight or narrow career path you found yourself heading down is flipped upside down. Although it may seem a bit unnerving, this is all happening in your best interest. You're scooting much closer to the calling or field that brings you the most fulfillment - and you may even find that the perks are better along the way.

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